Thursday, January 31, 2013

Word, Song and Quote of the Day

I thought it would be a good idea to post a new word, song and quote every day as my Word, Song and Quote of the Day. Sometimes I hear words that I have never heard before or that I have heard before but can't quite define so I'll post one of the words each day as my Word of the Day.  My Song of the Day will just be a random song, one I have heard recently or just one I like.  I downloaded an iBook called 'Book of Wise Sayings' by William Alexander Clouston. I'll probably get my Quotes of the Day from there or just use any other quotes I hear that I find interesting or funny.

So today's word is corrigendum. Blogger's spell check does not even recognize it. Click the word to see's  definition and you can also find their Word of the Day on their homepage.

Today's quote is "If you wish to know  how much preferable wisdom is to gold, then observe: if you change gold you get silver for it, but your gold is gone; but if you exchange one sort of wisdom for another, you obtain fresh knowledge, and at the same time keep what you possessed before." Talmud.

Finally, for the Song of the Day  I have chosen 'Happy' by C2C featuring D. Martin. Didn't like it much at first but I sent the video to a friend who I thought would like it and he liked the song and the video so much it made me feel 'happy'. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Involuntary Drawing

So now for my first 'real' post. Once years ago I sat down with a pencil and a blank sheet of paper and I just placed my hand over the paper and started drawing, without really thinking about what I was drawing. My hand seemed to take on a life of its own and it moved all over the paper. At first it seemed like just a bunch of scribbles, but after some time abstract shapes and images began to appear. When my had finally stopped, I was quite surprised at the result: through the scribbles I could make out long-haired figures in what looked like a grassy field, under the moon. I have never repeated this activity until tonight, although this time instead of a pencil and paper I used a stylus and my iPad. I downloaded an app called Sketchtime and experimented using my finger and then realized it would probably be better if I used a stylus. I started looking around in stores and the cheapest one I could find cost 10 euros. I thought that before buying it I would do a little research to see what was the best kind of stylus to use with my iPad. I came across some very detailed reviews and comparisons on (see the reviews here) and concluded that the best type would be a stylus with a microfiber tip so I searched for one and found the Ikross Fiberstyle mesh stylus on and the price was right (just 3.99 euros plus 2.99 shipping). It works like a charm; glides very easily over the screen and is very conductive. So finally tonight I sat down to do my little sketching activity and after finishing I did a little research and actually found out there is a name for this phenomenon; it's called Involuntary Drawing and here's an interesting article on it on the Tate Foundation's website (click here for the article). So finally after all of that rambling here's the finished product. Maybe you can tell me what you see.

Welcome to my blog!

So everybody and their grandmother has a blog these days and I've been thinking about starting one for quite a long time. However the two questions I always asked myself were 'What would I blog about?' and 'Who would read it?' Lately I have been feeling inspired and thought I would just try anyway. So I have decided that I will just blog about random things I find interesting and hopefully there'll be others who find them remotely interesting too. Happy reading!