Thursday, January 31, 2013

Word, Song and Quote of the Day

I thought it would be a good idea to post a new word, song and quote every day as my Word, Song and Quote of the Day. Sometimes I hear words that I have never heard before or that I have heard before but can't quite define so I'll post one of the words each day as my Word of the Day.  My Song of the Day will just be a random song, one I have heard recently or just one I like.  I downloaded an iBook called 'Book of Wise Sayings' by William Alexander Clouston. I'll probably get my Quotes of the Day from there or just use any other quotes I hear that I find interesting or funny.

So today's word is corrigendum. Blogger's spell check does not even recognize it. Click the word to see's  definition and you can also find their Word of the Day on their homepage.

Today's quote is "If you wish to know  how much preferable wisdom is to gold, then observe: if you change gold you get silver for it, but your gold is gone; but if you exchange one sort of wisdom for another, you obtain fresh knowledge, and at the same time keep what you possessed before." Talmud.

Finally, for the Song of the Day  I have chosen 'Happy' by C2C featuring D. Martin. Didn't like it much at first but I sent the video to a friend who I thought would like it and he liked the song and the video so much it made me feel 'happy'. Enjoy!


  1. Markus and I love this video...its fun and upbeat!denicia

  2. Glad you liked it and thanks for my first comment!
