Monday, February 11, 2013

Word, Quote and Song of the Day

Ironically I didn't even know there was a word for this. Today's word is lethologica. Click on the word to learn the definition and find out why it's ironic.

The Quote of the Day is "Don't stay in bed unless you can make money in bed." George Burns.

And finally the song of the day. Since it's Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago I chose this song. It's a bit old now but it's one of the few Soca songs I felt had crossover appeal. It's 'You' by Machel Montano. Judge for yourself.

The Godfather Series

I posted a while ago that I'd watched The Godfather for the first time; now I'm in the process of watching the sequel, The Godfather II. So far I've watched disc 1 so that leaves disc 2. While The sequel is not bad I don't find it as intriguing as the original. I borrowed the boxed set so there is also The Godfather III which I will watch at some point. If you haven't seen them I would definitely recommend it.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Word, Quote and Song of the Day

Just about to watch The Godfather II for the first time (just saw part one last week for the first time, excellent film). Earlier I was snacking on some dates, and since I like to know what I'm eating I decided to Wikipedia them. That's where I came up with the Word of the Day, which is dioecious. The date palm is dioecious. Click on the word to find out its meaning and also check out's homepage for their word of the day.

The Quote of the Day is "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar. (Click his name to find out who he is.)

Today a colleague asked me if I like Linkin Park. I hesitated then said I didn't hate them. Then I told her one of their songs I did appreciate was "In the End". It was aptly very popular just around the time I graduated from secondary school. Whenever I hear it I think about those times. What memories does it bring back for you?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Word, Quote and Song of the Day

Today's word takes me back to my first year of university when I did a course called Introduction to Language. The word is prevaricate. If you claim you knew what it meant, you're probably prevaricating.

The quote of the day is "Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it will definitely destroy your wonderful today and ruin your great tomorrow." Anonymous.

The song of the day comes on the heels of her much-talked-about performance during the Superbowl half-time show. It's Beyoncé's 'Love on Top'. Great song in my opinion. Enjoy!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Word, Song and Quote of the Day

Today's word is cachinnate. I'm sure you will cachinnate when you click and see the meaning. You can also go to's to check out their word of the day.

The quote I have chosen for today is "No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep." Anonymous.

As for today's song, I have always found 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" to be a beautiful song. Here is a lovely live version from Jennifer Hudson I found while browsing videos on Youtube.

Pancake Day

Saturday was Fête de la Chandeleur here in France also referred to as Jour de Crêpes. The French celebrate the presentation of Jesus 40 days after his birth on this date and it marks the official end to the Christmas season. On Crêpe Day people traditionally eat crêpes (a thinner version of pancakes). To commemorate this, at the English academy where I teach I showed the children how to make pancakes. It wasn't my idea, the owner of the school normally does it every year with the children so I was happy to participate. I didn't realize they were so easy to make. She normally uses Larry Moore's recipe (click to see a video on Youtube). You can also see a tiny picture of me making pancakes with the kids at the academy's blog. I'll try to get the hi-res photo to post later. We enjoyed our pancakes with maple syrup and lemon curd, a sort of lemon jam popular in England made with eggs, sugar and fruit.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Word, Quote and Song of the Day

Today's word is parvenu (click the word for its definition). Also see's word of the day on their homepage.

The quote for today is "Don't wait for the perfect moment. take the moment and make it perfect." Anonymous.

While heading to or from the mall on the bus today (I can't remember which) I realized that my cellphone battery was low (what else is new?). Immediately the Backstreet Boys' song "The Call" popped into my head. Not that I am a fan of the Backstreet Boys but it's probably the only song I know that mentions a battery being low. If you've never heard it before, here it is.

Honey Mustard

I love my Subway (boom de yada, boom de yada). I actually found that jingle quite catchy (click here to hear it and see the video). Anyway, today I had Subway for lunch and those of you who know me know that I am in currently in France. However, Subway here labels there sauce bottles in English (Ranch, Sweet Onion, etc.). So on a previous occasion I went to Subway and when asked which type of sauce I wanted I said "Honey Mustard" which is what the label read. The girl was like "huh?". So I had to point to the bottle. Today I went back there again and of course they asked me again which sauce I wanted. This time I decided to try to say "honey mustard" in my best French accent which would sound something like "oh-nee moos-tar". The girl was again like "huh? Sauce piquante (hot sauce)?" Then she pointed to another sauce and called its name while I kept frantically pointing at the honey mustard. She finally got it and I had my turkey sub with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and corn. What I don't get is why they label their bottles in English if they aren't going to understand what I ask for (the veggies are labelled in French by the way). Just saying.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Word, Song and Quote of the Day

Ok it's that time again. Today's word is verbigerate (click the word for the definition). It's a word I came across that I'd never heard before. Also check out's word of the day on their homepage.  

The quote of the day is "Not only is the old man twice a child, but also the man who is drunk." Plato.

Now for the song of the day. I chose this song because I used it in a lesson today with my students. I was teaching them vocabulary about car and driving and I had them do a gap fill exercise with the lyrics of Prince's 'Little Red Corvette'. This song always makes me wanna dance. Enjoy!