Saturday, February 2, 2013

Honey Mustard

I love my Subway (boom de yada, boom de yada). I actually found that jingle quite catchy (click here to hear it and see the video). Anyway, today I had Subway for lunch and those of you who know me know that I am in currently in France. However, Subway here labels there sauce bottles in English (Ranch, Sweet Onion, etc.). So on a previous occasion I went to Subway and when asked which type of sauce I wanted I said "Honey Mustard" which is what the label read. The girl was like "huh?". So I had to point to the bottle. Today I went back there again and of course they asked me again which sauce I wanted. This time I decided to try to say "honey mustard" in my best French accent which would sound something like "oh-nee moos-tar". The girl was again like "huh? Sauce piquante (hot sauce)?" Then she pointed to another sauce and called its name while I kept frantically pointing at the honey mustard. She finally got it and I had my turkey sub with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and corn. What I don't get is why they label their bottles in English if they aren't going to understand what I ask for (the veggies are labelled in French by the way). Just saying.

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