Thursday, March 28, 2013

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

It has been a while since my last post; I've been a bit under the weather and not really feeling up to it. However, last week I saw Oz The Great and Powerful, the long awaited (by me anyway) prequel to one of my favourite films of all time, The Wizard of Oz. I must say I was not disappointed. I was worried that this could be a treacherous second walk (or third, or fourth, or fifth if you count the official and unofficial sub-par sequels that have been made over the years) down the Yellow Brick Road , ruining the franchise if it were badly made. But for a film in which they had to tread carefully, since they could not touch anything they didn't have the rights to from the original film which was made by a different studio, and one released 73 years after the original, they did a pretty darn good job. It hearkened to the original material but was yet original and contained very beautiful visual effects without overdoing it.  I saw the film in 3D, dubbed into French since the original language version was not shown in theatres here, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. The Wizard of Oz and all the other Oz books are now in the public domain and are therefore available for download free on iBooks and I believe Kindle Store as well. I'm looking forward to the sequels which I am sure are in the works now due to the film's success at the box office. Here's the trailer:

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